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Aaron Hooper

Hi, I am Aaron, longtime Team CP member and now apart of your Endurance Coaching Team.

My sporting life started when I was 9 years old, that is when I started racing BMX in the summer and
playing Rugby League in the winter. Throw in some 1 st XV Rugby,1 st XI Soccer and 1 st XI Cricket though
until the end of High School things were certainly busy.

My real passion is cycling, I have raced BMX for over 40 years in which I have gained 12 national titles
including an Elite #1 which led to representing New Zealand at the Elite level both in New Zealand and
overseas. I become a BMX NZ qualified coach and the South Island director of coaching that same year.
Mountain biking was a natural complement where I raced regularly in the national series both XC and
downhill also picking up a national title in the dual slalom, as well as numerous local events throughout
the South Island. Road cycling was also in the mix throughout where I had success at a local level and
won the sprint ace (green jersey) twice at the Tour of Canterbury as well racing at the age group
Nationals. Track cycling has always been in my family’s blood, so it was no surprise to anyone that I
decided to take on that challenge. Several Canterbury championships and representing Canterbury at
National champs were the results.

Racing Downhill, Cross Country, Road and Track cycling all at a local and national level and BMX
internationally has shown me how certain aspects of each sport can complement the others. Whether it
be the training, skills or the mental and race craft side of the event itself.

Lately I have focused on doing events with my family that are both enjoyable and a challenge because
there is nothing better than see all the different emotions from people that you love as they accomplish
their goals. The same goes for training because if it is fun and/or enjoyable it really doesn’t feel like
training and there is nothing better than getting to the start line looking forward to the challenge.