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Kathmandu Coast to Coast – Your CP Training Membership

Get your training sorted so you can relax in the knowledge that you will be well prepared to tackle the iconic Kathmandu Coast to Coast Multisport event.


Type Description Price
Your CP Training Membership Get organised, learn lots and make the most of the training time that you have available.

Set up includes a session with a CP coach to ensure that you are set up and ready to make the most of your training

Sign up NOW by booking a call with Richard Greer & he will get you started.

$75 Set up

$9.50 per week



Not quite sure how you are going to actually fit all of the training in? Kayaking, cycling, running and strength exercises…

By using our specific coast to coast training plan you will learn what is important, how to do it and the amount of each discipline that you should do.

Learning  as  you  go

Our CP Coaching Team love the Coast to Coast and are passionate about helping you become the best you can be.  We have been involved in the event for 20 years and  have created a library of Coast to Coast specific video resources that will enable you to prepare effectively for this iconic New Zealand adventure.

Your Training Plan 
The key to any training plan is that it needs to be yours and fit with your life.  So if you are a shift worker, have a young family or do long hours in the office you can easily move each session with in the programme to make it yours.  We also use a ranking system so you know which session is the most important to help you if you need to move them.

At first glance it looks a bit like this…

Becoming a strong, robust athlete (in other words remaining injury free)
Have you had trouble with getting injured when training for this or other events previously?  Our CP Training Plan will help you to get the right amount to recovery time along with the correct mix of training duration, intensity and type of exercise when building up to an endurance challenge like the coast to coast.

Alongside the correct training load we have also developed our own strength conditioning library specifically for endurance athletes to help you remain injury free.  These sessions are embedded into the training plan and they will challenge you but also ensure that you are not tired or  sore prior to your next run/bike/kayak session.

What is your technique like??
If you have good technique you will go faster with less effort it is as simple as that.  Our video library will help you to develop your Coast to Coast specific kayak, bike and running technique so you can enjoy the event more.

What to be part of the Team?
An endurance event or training for one can be a very individual undertaking.  By joining Team CP you can be a part of something bigger than yourself.  Meet others with the same goal as you or have someone jump out of the bushes and cheer you on.


A flexible training programme has been key for me in achieving the goals I have set for myself during the past 18 months I have been with Team CP.

Having the ability to see what my training programme for the fortnight looks like and being able to move the workouts around a busy house and young kids has meant that I’m fitter and stronger than I have been in years. It has meant that I am more organised with my training therefore have missed less workouts.

Team CP’s workouts are awesome with loads of variety that keeps training interesting and challenging.

Sarah Paterson

Start your journey with Team CP, become a member today!

  • What is your enquiry about?
  • Do you have a target event?
  • How did you hear about Team CP?
  • So we can best help you, please let us know more about your enquiry such as what your interested in at Team CP, what you would like to achieve, or if you would just like to be more involved with the CP community.