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Run Coaching

Give yourself the best chance to achieve your personal running goal with our TeamCP Coaching. It is more than just an awesome training plan it is a system of coaching feedback, education and support. Queenstown or New York Marathon, Kepler Challenge, or Tarawera Ultra the bigger the goal the better!


Our CP Coaching team love running and are passionate about helping you become the best you can be.  To find out more about our awesome team of CP Coaches click here.

The Start Up Process – the first step
This is all about getting to know you and coming up with a game plan of how we will achieve your goal.  The first step is to determine your easy wins – how will you improve the most with the least possible time and effort.  The key outcome of this meeting with your coach is a one page road map that will help to guide our build up over the coming months.  Click here to get started

Communication is key
We need to know how you are going.  If you are standing at the top of a hill after an epic climb or if the wheels have fallen off and you are battling then we need to know about that too.  By keeping in close contact we can celebrate with you or help come up with a solution to get your restarted.

Keeping track of your progress
Using a number of tools such as Training Peaks, Strava, sports science testing and regular goal setting with your CP coach we will ensure that you continue to take small steps to achieving your big hairy goal.

Being part of the team
An endurance event or training for one can be a very individual undertaking.  By joining Team CP you can be a part of something bigger than yourself.  Meet others with the same goal as you or have someone jump out of the bushes and cheer you on.

"Team CP helped me manage life, work, training and expectations to complete the marathon and then Ironman - Team CP is awesome"

James Owen

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