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Road Cycling

Isobel Stout takes on the GrapeRide

Sunday, March 12th, 2017

I’ve not ridden the full distance at the Graperide before but I have ridden the shorter Taster distance and really like the course. I am building up for Le Race and the timing of the event this year is perfect as a step on the way to Akaroa. The drive up to Blenheim is tedious […]

Isobel – Le Race and Easter training fun

Monday, March 28th, 2016

Le Race Petite proved to be an event of two funs. The type 2 fun, (the type that hurts at the time) came early on in the day when my left knee made too close an acquaintance with the gutter; again. Any one who rides up Dyers Pass Rd has probably noticed that strip of […]

Erin White – It’s the Final Countdown!

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

Ok, now Le Race is only a week away, my course ride went ok, hit a wee wall in the second half and took longer than I would have liked but I need to remember it was all by myself and race day is a different kettle of fish with bunches, people to chase and […]

Isobel – Getting into the serious end of the season

Saturday, March 12th, 2016

Today is the original date for the inaugural two up mountain time trial at Coronet Peak. It’s been postponed to 2017 but I was still hoping to do it around this time but all kinds of personal events overtook me and I’m on track now for the last week of April. In the lead up […]

Lucky and I know it! – Gerard Hyland

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

The countdown is on, only a few days between me and the Motatapu ride. I’ve been lucky this year on two counts.  The first is that I won a competition for entry into the 2016 Motatapu event.  This also came with the added benefit of Pure drink powder and coaching from the esteemed Richard Greer!  […]

Isobel – Settling down into something like progress.

Monday, February 29th, 2016

All this fabulous weather (well, apart from a couple of Wednesday evenings for some reason!) and I’ve been steadily adding frequency and height to the climbs. Bit by bit I have now made it up to the Takahe and Evans Pass. The hill climbing on the bike is still complemented by hill walking which I […]

Erin White – not long now

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

Man it is getting dark in the mornings, I have enough trouble with cars in the daylight! although I must say most cars and trucks (Thank you Ready Mix Trucks in particular) seem to be very courteous giving me a wide berth in the dark, whether that has anything to do with the fact I […]

Isobel – Sharing the awesomeness on a big weekend

Sunday, February 14th, 2016

I’ve been glued to FB updates on CP team members on the Great Southern Brevet, The Pioneer, Coast to Coast, Buller Marathon, IM training rides and other feats of awesomeness this last week and weekend. These are really big adventures and I am simply amazed at what Team CP ers get up to. My own […]

Erin White – Cracked It!

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

Ok, still here and still training, feel like I am on a rollercoaster through ups and downs, don’t want to write what I feel is a less than positive update so keeping it short and sweet and just going to share my highlight of cracking 1000m in 2 hours, twice!! 1st time was 1500m in 2 […]

LeRace – here we come! Sarah Wylie

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

Well it has been a good five weeks or so since I started riding to a programme. With the goal of riding Le Race and the great support of Richard and the CP team, all thanks to winning the entry and coaching package following a rash decision to enter a Facebook competition, it feels like […]