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Isobel – a giant leap for my kind.

imageAfter taking masses and masses of baby steps (and masses of pictures of steps!) I feel I have taken a giant leap. I’ve walked 21km for the Pink Star walk, practiced yoga every single day for weeks now and cycled (after a fashion) up Kennedys Bush and Westmorland. Now I am sampling the life of a professional athlete having a 10 day stretch of having nothing more to do than train, practice yoga and rest. I am absolutely loving it!

Next up is the Queenstown Marathon, a goal all by itself for many CP athletes. I’m walking the 10km and feeling a bit of cheat frankly so I hope to make up for it by cheering on the real athletes!

My real reason for being in QT is to suss out the Coronet Peak road. Richard convinced me to do some videos along the way and they are turning up on the CP Facebook page I hope. I am not really a computer type and have been a bit lost on links and such but I think it’s working!

The miracles of modern communications means Fleur and I can tweak my training as the weather and body dictates. I can also send jealousy inducing photos of the glorious landscape. Just being able to get out and about in this beautiful country of ours is such a privilege. This time last year I was toxed to my eyeballs with chemo and not having a good time of it. If nothing else ever goes according to plan I’ll have this experience of being in the hills, breathing the clear air and feeling strong again to look back on. I am deeply grateful.

No post is complete without a picture of steps, these are nearly a ladder they are so steep!